Bob Sherbondy ( )found Now or Never: The 11 Secrets of Arimathea
before it was in the marketplace as Chatrooms picked up the
imminent release of the didactic spiritual novel back in 2009.
He responded directly to author Joe Cervasio. Here is his unedited review:
I just finished reading your book, "Now or Never: The 11 Secrets of
Arimathea". It has been an inspiring experience to read your powerful
story. There is so much truth in your work of "fiction" that these
"secrets" cannot be understood or implemented in one's life in the time
it takes to read them. I'm sure that it has taken you years of
thoughtful experiences to grasp the meaning of what you have written so
well. As a fellow writer, I greatly admire your craft. I am probably too
much of a teacher to be your kind of story-teller. In the early chapters
of your book, as you described the initial experiences of Joseph of
Arimathea, you had an amazing way of depicting emotions in words. I
couldn't read of his experiences without pausing to sense the emotions
that you were describing.
I sense throughout your story that you have a lot in common with Joseph,
that your pilgrimage of business and learning and service has pretty
much been the same as his. I see your story as your testimony, which is
I really appreciate your emphasis on the importance of NOW. In my last
interim ministry I gave a study on the text of Jesus' teaching regarding
the importance of putting "new wine" into "new wineskins" (Mt. 9:16-17),
in which I taught that the transforming power of God's Spirit takes
place and is preserved in the now moments when He is contained within
the believer who is anointed and prepared to receive His power. This
transformation always takes place now. I think that is one of the
primary lessons of your story.
I think that you and I and other writers/teachers like us have a
challenge to get what we are called to share into the appropriate format
where it can be read or heard by a "prepared" reader or seeker. With the
rapid explosion of technical modes of communication that are available
today, so often our stories or lessons or testimonies or appeals get
lost or otherwise drowned out by the mass of other messages that
available to everyone. I'm sure that you encounter this challenge. I
think that you probably deal with in your lectures and conference and in
your stories. I try to deal with it in my preaching and teaching
ministries, when I have the opportunity to serve in a pastoral role from
time to time, and everyday through my website and blog. But it is a
constant challenge. I'm not discouraged by this, because I realize that
it was a challenge for Jesus, Peter and the other apostles, all of those
who filled with the Spirit on the day of Pentecost, Paul, and Barnabas,
and all of the missionaries and preacher/teachers that have been called
and sent into the world since God revealed his redemptive love in his
Son, Jesus, 2000 years ago. What an amazing calling we share!
Thanks for your great "story". I'm going to try to digest your
"secrets". May God continue to bless you in your business and in your
ministries. It is good to share with you. Keep in touch.
Bob Sherbondy
Received by DGS, 2/1/10
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