SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP: I share these thoughts as if I am addressing those who believe in a Higher Power and non-believers as well. After all, the former would have been oriented to the subject of SPIRIT affecting leadership, given their knowledge of the Word of God, i.e, The Old and New Testament. But on the other hand, what about those who not only are secular Christians or of other religions, but some who do not believe in God, let alone be aware of such a concept as SPIRIT? CAVEAT: BOOKS ARE WRITTEN ON THIS SUBJECT. THIS IS SIMPLY A BRIEF BRAIN BURP ON THE PART OF YOURS TRULY!? Spiritual Leadership exists, and in a conscious and unconscious way for all people, believers or not. For the non-believer, the spirit in leadership may be yours, that of a loved one, perhaps a former teacher, or any other force that you perceive to be real and whose influence you remember, respect, and/or recognize. Thus, there can be those in leadership positions being led by an ego-centric self, by a subtle evil force, by a powerful selfish urge that others may consider sinful, simply by their own education/knowledge/experiences, or by the memory of a person of the past who held a leadership position, etc. Indeed, I remember the late Pastor Joe Arminio, a dear friend of mine from the old neighborhood: "The voice (influence) you may be hearing can be that of God, yourself, or the Devil." Yes, these three sources of guidance are present all the time for certain people. For those who may not believe in such forces as God or the Devil, just substitute Good or Bad. So, what does this have to do with SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP? In a circle of believers, when we speak of Spiritual Leadership, we are referring to the influence of THE HOLY SPIRIT, PART OF THE TRINITY, LEFT TO US AS PROMISED AT PENTECOST; the HOLY SPIRIT BEING THAT OF GOD. Of course, many Christians personify the Holy Spirit with the person of Jesus and the Father. Thus, to those thinkers, SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP means that influenced by all that that Trinity represents, as taught to us by the HOLY SPIRIT, and therefor shares the quality and essence of the Godhead in leadership challenges. For those who know more discussion is needed on this subject, indeed, there are lots of sources. Enjoy your search. On the other hand, in conclusion, here are some supporting thoughts to this complex and controversial subject that deserves more attention than I am giving it on my humble BLOG:
Sources: Old and New Testament; John Maxwell’s 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership; Oswald Sanders’ Spiritual Leadership. Joe Cervasio, 1/11/21 |