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May 13, 2011


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Most of us would never excuse leaving the hallowed Ivy Group in football.

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The Ivy League does not offer scholarships,that means that there is no National Letter of Intent in the realm of the Ivys. Instead, the Ivys have what is referred to as a “likely” letter.

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Hockey domination over the years in the Ivies and now in the national ranks.

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Fabio Capello's much quoted statistic that he only needs a hundred words of English to speak to his team got a lot of media coverage (I covered it too - here). The Daily Telegraph reported that Cambridge University Press had used a computer to analyse hundreds of thousands of football reports to see which words were the most useful in this area. They excluded little words like the, and, for etc which top any list of most common words.

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hmm quite intriguing, I myself have not seen the new Cornell Football Website, but after what you said here, I am so going to check it out, peace!

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Your articles make complete sense out of each topic.

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