Ram Charan talks about "new rules" for getting things done in difficult times in his fine book, Leadership in the Era of Economic Uncertainty. While this leadership expert does not imply this, the question that must be asked is whether there is a difference in the requirments for a leader in bad times versus good. In fact, we might query, had business and governmental leaders read Charan's findings during the ... "good times," would we even be in such bad times today!!??
Here are Ram's 6 Essential Leadership Traits for Hard Times, with some comments from yours truly:
1. Honesty and Credibility...Ram's talking about leveling with people and getting your team's views. Seems to me that #1 would surely perpetuate good times, minimizing the distrust that's been cultivated since so many figured out their leaders had been only minimally honest and credible in the good times--even maybe a little selfish?
2. The Ability to Inspire...always important says the author. Walking the hallways is now more important than ever. If your leaders are not exercising the competence of "inspirational leadership," are they really leaders, or had they simply been "right place, right time, great interviews" who just happened to get the top job?
3. Real-time Connection with Reality...anticipating and monitoring change in good times really requires great Leadership. Remember how we questioned Tom Peters back in the nineties when he commanded: "If it's not broken, break it." This #3 is a lot easier in tougher markets. When everything was going so well, come on, you have to admit that anyone who urged you to break it in that time was being a pain. Sure, not getting locked into any one view makes sense, but it's a lot easier to constantly update and change during bad times. Once again, had we been more respectful of change and impending change, maybe we would not be in such a fix today.
4. Realism Tempered with Optimism...here we are again. This trait in good times surely makes for a leader worth trusting and following. Without #4, a Leader is one only by his position authority.
5. Managing with Intensity... doing this in good times makes you a "cheerleader," or overly emotional and passionate. Now Ram says you better have this hands-on participation and intensity. Gee, I never knew this was only required in bad times. Could it not make good times better?? Could such personal leadership involvement turn a good company into a great company??
6. Boldness in Building for the Future...well, with Wall Street so consumed with quarterly results, it's not difficult to understand Leaders in good times shortchanging the future. Ram's right on here: lots of imagination and guts will be required to give credence to the future now that results are needed immediately. But again, if only we were looking more to the future during the good times, maybe, just maybe, we would not be in such a mess now.
I know, there is so much more to discuss. For now, however, Ram Charan has a book out on Leadership we should all read. But maybe his tag line should have been: The OLD Rules for Getting the Right Things Done in Difficult AND GOOD Times... not New Rules ... in Difficult Times.
Joe Cervasio